Thursday, February 7, 2013

Used Goods

The brown leather chair anchored a prominent spot in the living room. It enabled its bearer to converse with friends while comfortably supported in its embrace; or enjoy a favorite book while listening to the sparks emanating from the fireplace a few feet away.

To the casual observer—possibly the discriminating observer—the small faded spot on the leather just above the right foot was invisible. (I didn't even notice it.) But someone had discarded the chair because to them the faded age spot eclipsed the usefulness of the chair. How sad.

My face supports some age spots too. (I asked my dermatologist to remove them. She refused.) Mom calls them beauty spots. I like mom's perspective.

Like the chair, my age spots scream: useless, over the hill, history, used-goods.
However if the beauty spots could speak I'd hear: wisdom, encouragement, new opportunities.

I long to believe the message of the beauty spots. This causes me to examine my belief system?

  • Do I know I am loved by my owner?
  • Do I believe my adoption as God's child has purpose?
  • Am I courageous enough to thrive in a new environment?
  • Can I trust God that He knows best?
When I think of that chair, I remember how lovely it looked in my friend's living room. I recall the comfort of its seat. The faded age spot paled in the beauty of its new surroundings. I want to be like that chair.

“In love he predestined us for adoption … according to the purpose of his will”.
Ephesians 1:5

1 comment:

  1. No, our value does not decrease with age contrary to some people's beliefs --what a nice analogy of a chair --- thanks for the reminder of my value Sue :)
