Thursday, January 15, 2015

Actions - Re-Actions

As we drove across town a few weeks ago, my 4 year old GRAND announced, my feelings are hurt.

We adults queried, what hurt your feelings? (He doesn't get hurt feelings.)

But I do. My re-actions prove it--to me and all who surround me.

Last week I felt very un-trusted; my feelings were hurt in two different scenarios. My ugly un-invited re-actions proved my hurt. In those moments I didn't like where I was and I didn't like my re-active responses.

Then the timely words of two friends invited me to Ephesians 3.

I paused and listened.
God smiled and loved.

Paul's prayer at the end of Ephesians 3 reminded me of 4 importants.

1. Paul prays for the Ephesians (and me) that we would be strengthened in our inner being. My soul, the invisible me, the true me out of which flows the real me. Those re-actions spoke truth. Sue, tend to your inner being.

2. So that Christ may dwell in their (my) heart through faith. Faith-trust; noun-verb; where I am-what I must do--trust. I asked God what it would look like to walk in the path of trust in these situations.

3. "...that you being rooted and grounded in love," For many years part of my regular devotional time centered on reviewing God's love for me, grounding myself in his love. But I started skimming over that. I knew it. Do I really need to remind myself all the time? YES--I need to keep my roots healthy. Health doesn't happen if ignored.

4. "may have strength to comprehend with all the saints ..."  Oh how I need community! It was my friends who delivered me back to encouragement. It was my friends who opened Truth to me. I imagine it was many friends who pray for me that opened my eyes an my heart. I need you. We need each other.
Now I know why I like this plaque so much. It's message is biblical.

Oh that these truths would characterize me. Perhaps then I wouldn't experience the unwanted re-actions that surfaced a few weeks back. Or more honestly, experience them less.

How do you tend to your inner being? What does trust look like for you today in your now? How do you stay rooted and grounded in love? How does your community help you to be the person God created you to be?

"My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit--not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength--that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love."
                                        Ephesians 3:14-18, The Message (emphasis mine)

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