Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mulled Cider or Coffee with a Friend

The simmering of favorite spices with a piece or two of orange peel and a bit of honey turns apple juice into a warm, delectable winter treat. Its welcoming aroma invites me and our friends to enjoy. I love both the fragrance and the taste of mulled cider… especially around the holidays. Its tradition spans many Christmases in our home. 

Simmering transforms the ordinary apple juice with the other ingredients into a special drink. For me it is a synonym and a great picture of meditating. Allowing the Word of God to simmer in my heart and mind while pondering its personal implications transforms me. 

Re-reading my journal recently three themes surfaced over and over in different contexts: my child of God identity, my purpose, and my humanity. I guess I need frequent reminders of all these truths. 

New Year’s Resolution #1: Continue to mull over the scriptures that speak of these truths. God probably has more to say. A few of my favorite verses on these topics are…

“What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are.” I John 3:1, MSG

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10, ESV

“We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.”           II Corinthians 4:7, MSG

As yummy as mulled cider is, there are other beverages to savor. And sharing them with a friend at a
local coffee shop is even better.

Sitting with another with steamy mugs between us pictures for me reading my Bible. I hear God's voice as he narrates the action. The big story comes alive. Earlier this fall I ventured out into a new-to-me reading program. I'm walking slowly through it. I want to hear the voice of God not just read all the words. It won’t be finished in a year.

New Year’s Resolution #2: Continue to progress in my Bible reading journey using Professor Grant Horner’s Bible-Reading System. I highly recommend it.

Mulling and savoring—I hope both will characterize my spiritual journey in 2014. Will you join me? Do you have favorite scriptures you want to mull over? Do you have a plan for continuing to move ahead in getting to know the big story? I’d love to walk with you. Friendship encourages!

“God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special…       Something happened in you… Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word.”                                     From I Thessalonians 1, MSG (another favorite)



  1. Would love to share steamy cups and conversation with you! One day. Happy New Year.

  2. Love the analogy! And can you guess what I'm craving now?!!! :0) Is there a recipe you can share for your mulled cider?

  3. Made it last night. I'll get the recipe for you. Love you Truthtreasurer
