Thursday, April 12, 2012

Right and Wrong, or Different

My default is to right and wrong.
  • She is overly involved.
  • She is not involved enough.
  • She should have … I would have.
  • And the list goes on.
Eve’s conversation with the serpent in Genesis 3 lends understanding to my right and wrong judgments. The serpent says, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5. There are several problems with the serpent’s promise: Eve already was like God—she was created in his image; Eve (along with Adam) was given dominion over every other living creature—including that serpent; and judgment—deciding between right and wrong, good and evil, is God’s responsibility. This is where I’m acting like Eve and submitting to the serpent. Ouch!

I find myself making those judgment calls most often when I am hurting. I have a personal stake in the decision I’m disagreeing with. Perhaps my knowledge or my character is being questioned; perhaps I want it to be different. But not always, sometimes my right and wrong, black and white tendencies come out when I just think I’m right! I am doing it better. I have a better idea. If she would just let me help her …

God built into me a warning system like the yellow lights that tell me a red is eminent. Mental arguments. My mental arguments slow my thinking and provide a second chance to evaluate my reaction or my decision. They help me ask myself and ask God why I’m struggling with the situation the way I am. For me, mental arguments are a gift from God.

When I make judgment calls—deciding right and wrong—based on anything other than the wisdom of God:
  • I elevate the right or wrong, good or evil situation beyond wisdom.
  • I allow the serpent to deceive me and make me discontent.
  • I live out of a character quality reserved for God—judgment.
  • I ignore my built in warning system.
  • I become the victim and am hurt my the decision of another.
When I heed my warning system and allow it to tutor me well:
  • I relax.
  • I give freedom and space to the other.
  • I am thankful.
  • I allow God to be God in their life.
  • I allow God to be God in my life.
Could it be that their different response is just that – different? Not right, not wrong. 

“Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?”
Genesis 18:25

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