Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Gift of Receiving

“Adam was created at the end of the creation week and began the first full day of life on the sabbath, on the day that God rested! Before achieving anything, Adam had a day of rest and shared with God a time of refreshment. It was a time for receiving.”  Catch your Breath, Don Postema, page 52.

A few years ago I started a new personal tradition—I throw myself a birthday party. On the invitation I write, “Your presence is my present.”

The first year I created a simple salad lunch that I enjoyed with six friends on our deck. Summer birthdays are the best.

The next year I invited a few to join our family at Culver’s for dinner. Our GRANDS were visiting and this is their favorite eatery. 

This past summer I had a list of ideas (still attached to the fridge with magnets). Perhaps a chocolate party; or a Downton Abbey party; or maybe wine and cheese. Hmmmm, what have you just learned about me? However none of them happened; my birthday was in the midst of our evacuation.

My desire is to create a fun time and to share that fun with friends. It’s a giving time, not a receiving time. But each year I receive so much: being with friends is the best; their words are a wonderful gift; our time together creates special memories.  

Don Postema’s observation from the Genesis narrative challenges me. Adam’s very first day was a sabbath; a day designed for rest, refreshment, and receiving! That is my heart for my birthday parties—for my friends. God graciously creates it to be that way for me too.

As a believer, Sunday is called the sabbath. I look forward to joining with many others at our local church. It is time I purposely set aside for God—to give to God. Yet, I receive so much more: I leave with new perspectives, quietness, joy, peace, creativity. 

I desire to give. I receive as well.

Being a giver is being like God; being a receiver is humbling me to enjoy who God is.

I’m asking new questions. God, what truth do you want me to receive from you today?

“And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them saying, “This is my body which is given for you…”                               Luke 22:19

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